• She’s giving me good vibrations…

    A new book has just arrived in a bookstore near you. It is called Love and Sex with Robots and is written by David Levy, an expert in artificial intelligence. In the review of it that I read yesterday (the excellent Christopher Hart, Sunday Times), it appears as though we have already entered a world… Know More

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  • Torching Tibet

    Hearing an apparatchik on yesterday’s news, conjuring up disturbing realpolitik regarding the demonstrations against China’s conduct in Tibet was just about as reprehensible as could be imagined. This Olympic Official said that the protesters were without political conviction and were just jumping on a new bandwagon to air their personal grievances and gain attention to… Know More

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  • Self-administered brain growth

    Well, I watched the BBC 2 programme last night on meditation, half-expecting the same result as when I, myself, meditate, falling asleep just when I think I am getting somewhere – or, actually, nowhere, that being the point of it! I’m glad I didn’t, not because Kathy Sykes, Professor of perspiring femininity and Doctor of… Know More

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  • Dying to know me

    Probably because of some deep and penetrating correspondence with a friend, who is currently in India, I lay in bed last night and considered the conundrum regarding why thinking about existence seems to be such an elusive pastime. I see Julian Barnes has brought out a book, Nothing To Be Frightened Of, but, according to… Know More

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  • Cancers may be cured – but we will still die

    Arthur C Clarke died this week. I remember going to the Edinburgh Festival to see 2001 in the sixties. It was a premier, but whether it world or British, I can’t remember. It was too earnest a gathering to have druggies sitting in the front row, being blasted into a semi-religious trance by the kaleidoscopic… Know More

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  • Juno what I think?

    Juno, the film, is about teenage pregnancy. It divides critics. There are those who find it awkward and clunky and others like myself who had a real laugh and thought it very wittily written. Talking to people who hated it and restraining myself from adversarial passion (something I have to guard against) I tried to… Know More

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  • Premature Burial: how does it feel?

    There are some films that you know are probably very good but you are prevented from going to them by a deep inertia caused by fear. You are unwilling to expose yourself to a meditation on a possible state of being which is so appalling that you go rigid at the very thought. And this… Know More

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  • There will be blood then? Not really.

    Well I saw Daniel Day Lewis et al in the Rive Gauche arts cinema in Perpignan this afternoon knowing all the hype, the Oscar, an interview with the King of Guignol, himself, on television but with the sinking heart of one who fears the worst. I wasn’t far wrong. Those who have compared There Will… Know More

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  • Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings

    Anyone who was anyone reading about anyone in the early seventies will have come across Janov and primal scream therapy. Apart from giving a name to a good rock band, primal scream experience involves getting to the emotional core of your being by having a good yell or two. Well, probably a lot more than… Know More

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  • Shorn (of respect) Connery

    Currently, one of the television channels in the UK is running a top one hundred of the most embarrassing/obnoxious/gets-on-your-tits individuals of this past year. I have no idea if SIR Sean Connery is one of these but he should be. This tartan Bahamian (The King of Scotland should have been about him not Idi Amin)… Know More

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