• Seeing things?

    You will probably have heard of the psychoanalytical tool called the Rocharch Test. I believe it was also nicknamed the inkblot test at the time of its inception. In it you view a series of abstract shapes, like mutating amoebas, and say what you see. The analyst takes your interpretations and from them construes a… Know More

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  • Croc of gold part 2

    How weird but not very wonderful that my earlier blog today spun together the gold ring in a crocodile’s stomach and the calamity in the stock market. Glancing at the news just now I see that the same croc is not dead and in reward for its gorging on the entirety of a British tourist… Know More

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  • A croc of gold and the global market crash

    During the last three weeks I have been travelling: England, Paris, South of France, a party in Cornwall and now back here to Ghana. The curious aspect to it all is that, despite only having lived here for a few months, it felt very good coming back. I was born in India and my parents… Know More

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  • The End of the World is Nigh: 21/12/2008

    Does December 21st 2008 (11.12 am GMT) strike a chord with you? It will. I shall be in Ghana then, and the fanatical charismatic Christian churches will be whipping their supplicants into a crescendo – if they have read their Mayan, Druid, Chinese scientific futurologists claims about this particular day. There appear to be innumerable… Know More

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  • Nearer my God to Thee: Designer Coffins

    Of course, religion is an insurance policy. The amount you invest in praying and hymning, builds your deposit account in the Bank of the Supreme Being. It may, on the other hand, merely be an opiate to stop you worrying about the hereafter. Hearing the innumerable churches in full flood, around the house in Accra… Know More

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  • Dark Matter: Dark Energy

    I, like many a philosopher I’ve read, seem to have the flimsiest grip on reality when it actually comes down to it. Part of me exists somewhat awkwardly in the world of matter and part of me seems to get lost in labyrinths of thought. I’ve always wanted to know why things work. It began… Know More

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  • Kevin Keagan: death by hierarchy

    If you go back a year and ferret around you will find that I support Newcastle United and have done since I was very young. There was a time when I was taken to football matches in a three wheeler Reliant by two Burma veterans! We used to stop off in a dingy bar near… Know More

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  • Jolly Hockey Sticks

    Enid Blyton was recently voted the UK’s most loved author by some literary pole or other. I must have been about eight or nine when I moved on from the Famous Five and the Adventure series. Living in a council house in a village in the mining districts of south Durham, I suppose the books… Know More

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  • China Syndrome

    Look at all those happy smiling oriental faces, the colourful costumes, the delightful dancing, the precision marching, the fireworks, the buildings, the sheer scale of inventive entertainment…China is such a lovely place, isn’t it? Now, let’s get this straight, I love sport. Some world shattering events in Beijing misted my eyes. But I am a… Know More

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  • Birds’ Eye View

    Those of you who are regular readers of this weekly blog will know that I spend time in both Ghana and France during the year. This toing and froing is punctuated by management consultancy work in the UK, or the little I restrict myself to these days. Currently I am in France in my Pyrennean… Know More

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