• Hacked off

    I had an interesting debate last night with a friend here in Bath, UK. We were discussing the young fellow with Asbergers syndrome who had penetrated the inner computer files of the Pentagon, purportedly seeking classified files on UFOs. If you haven’t caught the story wherever you are in the world, there is a big… Know More

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  • We are star dust, we are golden…

    An amusing episode the other day concerned my partner’s aunt who, at eighty, is as sharp as a porcupine’s quill and who, on listening to a debate we were having on time travel and teleportation, offered the following: I saw on the news that they had teleported a table one metre. This being Ghana I… Know More

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  • With God on Our Side

    Reading the papers in Ghana throws interesting insights into the political and social processes of a country redefining itself as a real democracy. There is certainly freedom of expression and nothing seems to my eye to be too sacred to be raked over. In the Daily Graphic yesterday there was a tough article on the… Know More

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  • Mad or Bad

    I see that John Allen Muhammed was executed by lethal injection this week for murdering a number of people in Washington DC. What to make of it? The assumption in most western law is that if you are sane then, wherever they observe the niceties of state execution, you could eventually leave Death Row for… Know More

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  • Taxi slogans in Accra

    Returning to a theme which permeates these blogs, I saw a taxi in Accra with Side Issues in flashy letters on its back windscreen. This form of advertising is a rudimentary form of Facebook. The rear screen in a car is small so the advert has to encapsulate a lot in a few letters. If… Know More

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  • Thank you for your time

    Time is relative said Einstein and Hawking’s Brief History of Time underlined the fact, though, it is said that the time to write the quasi-populist tract and the time to read it actually belong to two different universes. Let us call them the apple universe and the pear universe. The time to write it was… Know More

    Read more: Thank you for your time
  • Cure Cancer with a takeaway

    We are like ducklings, imprinted with the terms and conditions for life as laid down (or not) by our families. I suppose mine was relatively decorous, given that it began in India, in a military environment, with an Edwardian father who had a keen sense of what was socially acceptable at the time. As I… Know More

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  • Four Countries and a Funeral

    In the last six weeks I have been a good Bedouin and trekked ever on, pitching tents in the UK, France, Eire and Ghana. Now I am back in Accra where birds have idiosyncratic sets of hoops, hollers, screams and warbles, where the temperature is in the mid thirties and where the pool is the… Know More

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  • Einstein, Mighty Mouse and Gold Medal Grannie

    You are a mouse and one day they clamp a recording device on one of your neurons. One. Neuron. In the hippocampus. Imagine the size of the clamp. We must be talking micro-nano here. Anyway, you find yourself standing at the end of a long corridor? You run to the other end. Easy. Hm… someone… Know More

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  • Over par: golfing in Cork

    This was a taster to see whether I still like the game. I do but there has always been a touch of the inedible being hunted by the unspeakable about it, especially in the Home Counties where pomposity, prissiness and self-inflated egos abound. However, as in so many other ways, the Irish are different. Probably… Know More

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