• It’s not life as we know it, Captain…

    Imagine a long, winding set of lights on a wire. Some of the bulbs are on and some are off. The wire twists around another one. It’s the double helix. And, do you know, until I saw this mock up on the box I assumed that the lights that were on, stayed on through your… Know More

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  • Hereafter and Now

    Thinking of my last blog and its serpentine subject, I wonder whether the eel evolved from the same source as a snake or from a different fishy ancestor or from a reptilian, losing its legs as it found slithering quite acceptable, like those children who bump along on their rumps rather than crawling, until one… Know More

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  • Slide ’em down your throat like wonky wheels…

    Name that tune as some old tv programme catch phrase went. Got it? Jellied eels. I experienced one of those coincidences that set in train a whole barrage of images,. I was watching TV in a Paris hotel and BBC World had an item about eels being yet another dying breed. Apparently 90% down on… Know More

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  • The Moor not Merrier

    Comedians can be paradoxical individuals. Many are insular and introverted yet force themselves to face an empty stage and a baying audience as though it is a cold turkey treatment for life itself. They can be depressives, hypochondriacs, vertically challenged, self-hating gays, cross-dressers, cleanliness fetishists and any combination of these and a myriad other traits… Know More

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  • Death in the Public Eye

    I was induced to ponder on the curious rise in the notion of celebrity the other day when I received an email from one of my oldest friends who now lives in Canada. She writes exceptionally pithy emails and should be supplying articles for the Guardian about the idiosyncrasies of life in that country. Anyway,… Know More

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  • A grave subject

    I’ve done my share of investigating the beginnings of religion, not first hand, using primary evidence like a proper researcher, but reading this and that. Fodder for the mind and also the very long epic I am writing about the times when there were many Gods and the current one – Jehovah – won the… Know More

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  • Shofar sho good

    On the news the other day was some footage of a number of Rabbis in an aeroplane, circling over Israel. One was blowing a ram’s horn, called the shofar and the others seemed in various degrees of commitment to the cause. This, it turned out, was a high altitude prayer-in to help Israel repel the… Know More

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  • You Dirty Rat (Part 2)

    The rat is a proven master at managing the hurdles that humans present it. Following on from my last farrago of nonsense (though admittedly chilling for those who fear the creatures) sticky paper was laid on the track the rats were taking from entry via the hole in the mosquito netting to various locations of… Know More

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  • You dirty rat!

    The house is in a mixed area of human striving. There are several biggish homes of which this is one and all the land between them is in-filled with shanty development. The house, itself, is built round a quadrangle. There is no glass in the windows, only mosquito netting which means we don’t use air… Know More

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  • Obama in Ghana

    It is summer in England and winter in Ghana. Having just got back to Accra, my last social event being what turned out to be a swine-flu party, I find the skies grey and the daily temperature around 28 degrees centigrade. Now this might, for you who manage to be numerate with a weather eye… Know More

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