• Reasons to be Cheerful Part 2

    Here’s the view from my window as I write this. As you can see I am not in a bordello. Part One, if you remember, advanced the notion that the business of writing contains within it an almost mystical reward. For a man it is his, admittedly minor, sublimation for not being able to give… Know More

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  • Communication from Beyond

    Before you get uppity and think I am an adherent of spiritualism, I am not! But since this is a meandering set of blogs about the process of writing, I thought I’d take a look at inspiration. Even for the hardened writer, never mind someone suffering from the dreaded block, there may be a brief… Know More

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  • A Reason to be Cheerful: staying true to your art

    Even if you are not interested in the lives of great artists, I am sure common knowledge will have filtered down, like rivulets and streams into the great river of shared consciousness, that many artists we now regard as great were not recognized as such in their own lifetimes. By artists I am including every… Know More

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  • The Janus in the writer

    I tweeted a couple of hours ago about schizoid writers, of which I am obviously one!  Why do it? Why be two people? Why write under different names? We know that for many reasons writers have (like stage and television celebrities) opted for an alias (in this case a pen name). This can enable them… Know More

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  • Writing: the heart of the matter

    I am feeling a sense of dismemberment. My greedy hands that played until recently with the minor characters in Azimuth are itchy to do something else. The fifty blogs on writing that preceded a foray into the literary lives of walk-on parts, represent a sizeable contribution to the debate on how a writer’s psychology is… Know More

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  • Minor Keys No. 15

    The path of a book to the heavenly library is strewn with good intentions. The character of Raashid in Azimuth was one I always imagined I would develop. As you can see from this extract, he is a favoured friend and potential lover for Princess Sabiya. In this sense a novel mimics life in that… Know More

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  • Minor Keys No. 14

    The importance of food in societies through time has two obvious sources. The first is that we eat to survive and so we ritualize food and exalt it, making it central to our various measures of the quality of life. We are what we eat. The second is that it represents the most obvious route… Know More

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  • Minor Keys No. 13

    How many men have a fantasy of a harem? It has been the stuff of literature and actuality over the centuries, whether based on a historical Persian model, the tribal realities we may still find in parts of the world, the brief epoch of free loving hippy communes or the strange megalomania of religious cults.… Know More

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  • Minor Keys No. 12

    Some lines of poetry guide you through life. Believers may find them in the Koran, the Bible or the Vedas but for me the distillation of meaning that a poet achieves occasionally is inextinguishable, burning like pure sulphur on water. Here is a quote from one of Rilke’s poems about The Unicorn. O this is… Know More

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  • Minor Keys No. 11

    As an agnostic, Buddhism has many attractions, not least its refusal to give any oxygen to discussions about the possibility of a god. Azimuth debates whether a god exists but surreptitiously, like a niggling little voice at the back of the reader’s mind while s/he is engaged in the Ulysses-like adventures of the Magus or… Know More

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