• You Dear Reader, may not exist…!

    There is an excellent series on BBC Knowledge showing in Ghana at the moment. I suppose you may have been able to see it a year or two ago but time here does not behave like yours does. Last night I watched Morgan Freeman, who fronts it, ask what the latest scientific proof might be… Know More

    Read more: You Dear Reader, may not exist…!
  • Whose God is it Anyway?

    There they were in Israel trying to change the course of nature which, according to Sky News had become biblical in its form and effect. There is a seven year drought and we all know that plagues, pestilences, floods and the like go in seven year cycles in the Old Testament. God might work in… Know More

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  • On level playing pitches and moving goal posts

    So, as I mentioned a couple of emails ago, FIFA had little intention of supporting England’s bid, despite it being the best constructed, most viable and economically beneficial to grass roots football throughout the world. The 22, largely old men, who are steeped in forms of negotiation and power that are beyond the comprehension and… Know More

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  • The End of Days

    This phrase, appearing in Revelations, has a deeply mordant edge to it because of its sheer poetic finality. Watching a programme about the battle between dark matter and dark energy led me to the speculation that it is no wonder some people find life intolerable and top themselves. You see, it appears (in our latest… Know More

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  • Prince Andrew: the Royal Right Wing

    There is a genealogical line in the Royal Family I believe that has seen them, over the decades, breathily embraced with fascism. The Queen Mother had her somewhat tarnished reputation for all things Right and nasty, heavily glossed in the second world war, to make her appear a war heroine, one of the first campaigns… Know More

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  • Taking a leak

    I have been watching Hillary Clinton and the apparatchiks of the White House for the last two or three days in increasing amusement tinged with not a little disgust. The leaking internet is pouring their urine back over their heads and they are attempting to put up the sanctimonious umbrella of victimhood as though the… Know More

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  • The Right Royal Caper

    There was a curious anomaly the other day. Research is needed. Nobody bought clothes for about 9 hours. You see, my partner runs a woman’s e-commerce business and sells all the clothes outside Ghana. High quality, classically designed and drawing 500 plus visits every day. Sales are great, even during these hard times. Then, at… Know More

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  • From Beatniks to Vandals

    The Government in the UK have introduced higher tuition fees for university students.For the priciest courses the fees for a three year course can amount to nearly £40,000 or $60,000.It is a far cry from the free education of my beatnik youth and the reaction to it is very different from the heady days of… Know More

    Read more: From Beatniks to Vandals
  • Me greedy, you dead

    We are heading for another global crisis. It is another banking crisis, too. Not money this time but fat laid down around midriffs, bottoms and thighs. The OECD has just released a report showing that developing countries, as soon as their populations begin to join the middle classes, adopt western lifestyles. This means processed foods… Know More

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  • Peanuts in Space

    I was watching the British Prime Minister yesterday talking persuasively about his mission to create a big society to be the senior partner of a much reduced government. At the same time the attack on the poor and ill-educated goes on. They will bear the brunt of the losses incurred by banking gamblers. But then,… Know More

    Read more: Peanuts in Space