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The Inspection
Bill What a bloody wheeze! I told you the caretaker wouldn’t be around. God I feel great. Fizzing. My body’s fizzing. I’m popping. Shake rattle and roll!
Lenny I just about shat myself.
Bill Don’t you like it? Getting your own back?
Lenny I wasn’t was I? I’ve never done music.
Bill She’s a cow. She’s a bitch and a whore. Wait til she walks in tomorrow morning. Caramba! Stringless fiddles. I hate her.
Lenny Just because she told you off for not practising.
Bill She’s a cow. She told my old man. He’s stopping my pocket money until I get my part perfect for the orchestra. Says he’ll stop me playing in the group. She’s told him it’s spoiling my ear.
The Inspection is a full length play. It has not been performed as yet, though there has been a deal of interest by London producers. I include the whole play for free downloading. It charts the lives of two characters moving between their relationship as boys in the 1950s and today. Their interactions provide the backcloth to a central educational debate can Art be reduced to skills  and competencies or is it a freer, more irascible beast that cannot be corralled in this way? Does the attempt to reduce art to skills and competencies via a bureaucratic inspectorate rob it of its anarchic creativity? The Inspection has a mix of dynamic dialogue, psychological intensity, humour and provocative action with some violence.
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